All you cape elitist ruined this simple and fun cape that we could buy because you couldn't bear the thought of people paying money for a cosmetic cape. You all suck man. We just wanted to have a cape, more capes but you'll ruined it. I hope you can live with knowing you ruined many kids Christmas's because they won't be getting a cape for the creeper capes their parents bought because you all harassed Mojang and the buyers of the creeper capes.
Blud thinks this is a charity. Yall entited, earn your capes like real men REAL MINEMEN. Get on that grindset and get on the event server to earn your rare java capes and not buy capes like pussies.
No, we're entitled to the creeper in-game cape code because we purchased it it. We're customers, we bought a good, we expect to get what we bought it for, the code and in game cape.
Expecting what you bought isn't being entitled, it's a consumer right. Mojang cant just pull the cape because some elitist's who gatekeep capes and buy/sell them which is against EULA got angry at Mojang stepping on their toes and business.
Copium, cope harder, you wasted your money, L, Ratio, BOZO, no rizz, get fanum'd. You aint getting a cape anymore, deal with it
Uh what the sigma?
What in the actual fuck am I witnessing?
Does anyone have confirmation if the Creeper capes you buy are cancelled and we wont be getting codes? No one has said anything and Mojang hasn't confirmed it or answered anymore yet. I'm getting worried that I wasted my money. I want my virtual cape!
Just be patient, it's still the 7th. We still have hope we could get our creeper cape codes emailed to us like Mojang promised.
Are you guys seriously begging for a cape at this point?
We're not begging, we paid our hard earned money for an in-game cape that comes with the physical creeper cape merch that the store page had in the description before Mojang tried to hide it.
So are we getting the cape codes we were promised for buying that Creeper cape or did Mojang just bail on us and waste our money and run?
I sent Mojang support a ticket 4 days ago and I didn't even get a response, they just closed my ticket asking about our creeper cape codes they promised before removing the text from the store page. I'm upset man. They cant just not give us our capes we paid for.
Just buy your capes from eBay or OGU like the rest of the Minecraft community does. You don't need Mojang to buy capes from. Just buy cape accounts, it's been a thing the coms done for years. Mojang doesn't need any more greed money.
Please someone tell me if we still get code if not Im gonna refund the creeper cape.
I better not have wasted my allowance on this to get no cape.
Mojang said not to buy Minecraft accounts and capes from people because its against the rules