If you are a Realms mapmaker on Java, you are a Mojang shill and are giving & working for them for free

A virtual worthless cape is NOT proper compensation for your work. You are a volunteer, don't get it twisted. Similar to the 2014 Bukkit problem, you are getting a worthless cape when you make content for Java realms when Bedrock creators get paid real money when people buy their work with minecoins on the marketplace/Realms Plus(+).

There is a reason the black market for realms mapmaker capes exists, no one wants to put in that hard work for free for Mojang when they can buy the cape even if it and the account that has it gets locked later on. Mojang's realms on Java is pathetically underwhelming compared to third party hosting. No one uses Java realms because compared to what you get on Bedrock (Free cosmetics, a server, and free marketplace content) its just not worth it.

Why does Mojang even offer this content or Realms at all on Java or have a Java realms content creation team and program (and give a crappy cosmetic realms cape when Bedrock creators get paid cold harrd cash that can pay bills) if no ones buying Java realms? Can Mojang just not compete with what the community offers?

Why are you guys enabling Mojang by making Realms content for their crappy realms service on Java? For a cape that you can flex that screams "I put in years of work for Mojang for free and all I got was a stupid cape that I could have sold"? You could have better used that time getting a job, doing Mojira and actually helping the game, translating, or making datapacks, servers, or mods. Literally anything else is more beneficial than working for realms and I think Mojang's starting to realize it. Mojang was going to discontinue realms back in 2017 but they kept it going after Marc Watson sadly got involved as a Former Realms lead which Oskar took over.

A good chunk of players who join Realms on Java to get the cape are only in it for the cape to profit and sell it off who are in the OG Name/Cape community, the other half being actual datapack and mapmakers. Mojang really should just rework realms and the subscription as a whole or merge it because the subscription is so lackluster and the program so abused for profit, free labor, and not worth the subscription, especially on Java, nor the players who provide the free labor as opposed to being a marketplace creator and getting actual cash and a paycheck instead of a useless cape which makes you get laughed at and only benefits you if you sell the realms cape account you earned it on which ironically goes against their TOS. Why would Mojang do this knowing they enable account selling and theft/hijacking with this if they can just pay their java realms creators instead?

  • User_aZCJgm 2025/02/14 20:30

    Just because they decide to offer their time and effort to realms doesn't mean they're a Mojang simp. Though it is a bit messed up bedrock creators get preferential treatment and actual money while Java just gets a in-game cape which ironically doesn't get ported over to their bedrock account making it edition exclusive.

  • User_qjZQaG 2025/02/14 20:33

    Bro they literally dont pay their Java creators. They get a crappy looking cape that looks like terraria for making things for Java realms which doesnt get a lot of subscriptions because Prohosting and 3rd party server hosts on Java beat realms by a longslide. Who are they making content for?
    To top that, Mojang wonders why so many realms mapmakers sell their realms cape/cape account and or realms build credit slots when they dont pay their Java creators. Its honestly backwards and makes no sense. How does mojang not pick up on that not paying their Java creators and just giving them a cape that doesnt pay the bills will just result in them wanting or just selling their realms cape account to make money instead?

  • User_GPRfiB 2025/02/15 10:28

    I mean Mojang can only blame themselves for the fact people keep trying to sell realms capes and the accounts with them if they wont pay their Java realms mapmakers creators actual money. A paycheck will always be better than a cape. Not that hard to understand.

  • User_CLZBo7 2025/02/15 12:53

    Once again proving that Mojang's letting the black market for Minecraft usernames and capes eat their lunch. Mojang should just cut their losses and sell capes directly to players on the marketplace. They lost trying to make rare capes work because people just turn around an resell them, scalp them, and farm them for a mark up.

  • User_Fkdwzo 2025/02/15 20:04

    Mojang cancelled the veteran realms mapmaker cape because the leak with Oskar in the realms slack DMs with that video Tuao made. Just like how they cancelled normal veteran capes due to DinnerBone directly answering COM, aka the black market.
    If y'all keep spreading the leaks and making people get hyped without proof, they'll just keep killing off the ideas for capes due to fear of adding too much account value for resale.

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