Mojang is letting us BUY capes now! New Eyeblossom cape you can only get by purchasing MERCH!

Mojang just broke their rule of where they said capes should remain special as they contradict themselves yet again. Hilarious this guy at Mojang said that that: "Capes are an important tradition for Mojang. We create them to mark special events like the 15-year anniversary. We want them to be meaningful and tell a story, not just something you buy on the Marketplace." only to then have this cape pop up.

Contradiction of Mojang employees post:

Article about the new buyable cape leak:

What the new cape looks like (Found by Fanclub):

Reddit post of discourse:

Even Hypixel is complaining about it!:

Why are people actually happy about this? Are the normie players who don't know about cape lore ok with just buying capes? It's concerning I don't see more people getting angry that Mojang is backpedaling on gatekeeping capes, they are MEANT TO BE RARE, ALL CAPES! This is what gives your account value and make it worth something, be it worth money and or sentimental value! There's a reason accounts with rare capes, hell ANY capes sell for so much!

If this comes to Java edition, capes will lose ALL meaning! We have to protect the value of capes to protect the market and our investments so they can still be worth money second hand and people cant just say you can "Buy a cape" instead of earning it or buying it off of the OG Market!

If Mojang pushes for more capes you can buy this WILL kill the black markets second hand for cape accounts as they wont have any reason to come to OGU and our Discords and Telegrams. Spread the word.

  • User_qtgacz 2024/11/27 20:32

    Ik bro it's so sad people are willing to tarnish the legacy of these extremely valuable and legendary cosmetics. Capes are like no other and are worth so much money and potential value on the market. Why ruin that monetary potential by selling capes? Capes should be limited time and rare!
    Like look at these poor excuses they keep making up? Why are they ok with just buying capes directly? Are they lazy and cant earn their capes like everyone else? Just pay to go to the experience or Minecon dude and stop being broke
    I'd say they're all poor but frankly idk if theyd even be able to afford the new cape at only 30$...
    They're even begging for the ugly and meaningless bedrock capes to come to java like the Pancape and that dumb pride cape.
    Who at Mojang greenlit this disaster? This is gonna kill the secondary market sales on OGU and eBay.

  • User_yhTkDt 2024/11/27 20:34

    Yall need to chill, it ain't that deep.
    Why does a kid buying a cape, a cosmetic in a video game that doesn't affect gameplay affect you negatively in any way? The only people buyable capes negatively affects is the black market.
    If your ego is so fragile that all you have to flaunt in life and show off if your virtual cape you likely bought the account off a black market or hacked for those "rare capes", then you're quite the sad individual for putting others who don't have rare capes down who just want ANY cape. Why do ALL cape shave to be rare? Let us normal players be able to buy capes at our own pace that are always available.

  • User_XQxvjC 2024/11/27 20:36

    Bro stfu you dont know what the value is of the past capes that this is going to ruin, its literally going to cut into and kill the secondary market for capes. Mojang needs to stay in their lane and let the OG Com be and keep selling capes and accounts like we always have.
    They're stepping on our toes with this.

  • User_IkJC0e 2024/11/28 11:05

    All you cape elitist trying to keep capes from the average player. What's wrong with you all? Just let people enjoy things and buy capes if they want to. You look pathetic and sad if all you have going for you and to show off to others is that you have a virtual cosmetic that some one else doesn't. Is a Minecraft cape your entire personality or your entire paycheck that you steal accounts with rare ones just to pay bills?
    Get a job dude.

  • User_tyowIU 2024/11/29 11:42

    Let me guess, you wear the gay bedrock rainbow cape too tranime troon? You must suck at pvp and wouldn't last a second on an anarchy server.
    Let the real rare cape owners talk and sit tf down with your poor brokie ass bought capes you spend like 30$ on or went to eBay or some shit. Mojang will never add all the other shitty Bedrock capes to Java especially the gay pride cape. Cope.

  • User_PBQxUo 2024/11/29 11:45

    Real mature. Don't be transphobic/homophobic and let people enjoy capes? Why is everyone being so elitist about capes now that theyre being sold officially and more accessible than ever before?
    Also, I for one hope Mojang adds the pride cape to Java to rep their LGBTQ+ community so we feel welcome and can rep our pride and identity in Java too as well as all the other Bedrock capes on Java and Vice versa! I hope you stop this behavior and become more open minded. At the end of the day, its just a cape in a video game.

  • User_9ZXs0A 2024/11/30 12:09

    All the unwarranted transphobia and homophobia aside all over a silly pride cape, I think its lit and awesome Mojang's letting us buy capes directly from them. I hope they put capes on the Marketplace for us to buy directly too and let Java have HD skins 128x like Bedrock can so we can have true player customization on Java finally.

  • User_YIBAJ3 2024/12/06 08:43

    All I did was try to make a reddit post and I got attacked into high heaven over having a positive opinion of a buyable cape. You guys need to calm down, seriously. Spam DMing me no Discord does not help your case. I only deleted the reddit post to get these dumb DMs stop so knock it off.

  • User_cjY9fG 2024/12/06 12:02

    Maybe don't buy Mojang's shitty cape that has no value or worth? Its gonna sell like shit and no ones gonna buy it. It had no value and wont be worth anything on the secondary market.
    L cape, no rizz, now fanum a real cape you ohioans
    Real capes are rare and reserved for the elite few who grind them out so get on that sigma grindset instead of using mommy's credit card to get a cape and earn it

  • User_6h9qJ5 2024/12/06 12:25

    I died a little on the inside reading this. The cape brainrot is real. Capes must be your entire life if your ego is that fragile that all you have to flex in life is a Minecraft cape you didn't even earn and likely bought either the code or the account or hacked it off someone

  • User_qGxHOV 2024/12/07 07:01
    For those of you saying that we're not getting a cape anyone for buying the creeper cape merchandise, you're wrong. Mojang may removed the text on the merch site but the backlash from people who already bought it from the leaks made them go back and decide to give us a cape for our purchases anyways! We should get what we paid for and expected. Mojang shouldn't have hid it after people bought it already.

  • User_7RKULC 2024/12/08 06:51

    They were intending for us to buy capes for a long while now

  • User_gvWQOK 2024/12/08 06:52

    Why is everyone making a big deal out of being able to buy a cape? Just don't but the cape if you don't want it? Don't remove the option for people who want to buy capes to be able to because some cape elitists got angry at Mojang about how other people spend their money.

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